Friday 4th of October 2002 – It’s over!

Friday 4th of October 2002 – It’s over!

It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? I’ve been writing a lot but on a fictional book, instead of here. Well, you’ve been going to nursery classes for 2 ½ hours a day since September 11 and then Marlene picks you up from there and then either myself or my mum pick you up from Marlene.

R. and I have split up, since August 13th. Riversoft got bought over by Micromuse at the beginning of August and a lot of people (50% of the workforce) got made redundant on the 13th of August. I wasn’t one of them, although I thought I would be. That day the whole company went for drinks, after so many people had been made redundant. All the people that sat around me were gone… I had told R. that I was probably going to lose my job and have drinks and wouldn’t be home until late that night. All R. did was call me and hassle me, and tell me that I had never told him that I was going to be out.

Things had been bad for so long. I got a message on my mobile from him saying that if I wasn’t home by 11:00 he was going to lock me out of the house! So when I got home I told him I couldn’t stand this life anymore and could we please split up? He said ‘OK’… That was that. It was all so easy. He moved out a couple of weeks later. All you wanted to know was whether you would stay in the house with me… Now R. takes you to school every morning. He’s living (for free) in King’s Cross. It’s a security job, where he gets to live for free whilst looking after the place, and it’s near us, which is good. He also has his job as Network Manager. He’s very busy. He also has a new girlfriend. No wonder it was so easy to split up. He had someone lined up already. I’m on my own… I was very freaked out when R. left, I thought we would protest a little bit more, as he did before. But no, as he had somebody else, he was absolutely fine. I was just left on my own, but I guess that’s what I wanted. It’s been so much more peaceful…

We also got relocated at work, so now I work on Putney Bridge Road. Most of Riversoft has been put on the 2nd floor together and we’ve been here for nearly two weeks now. I’ve been looking for work somewhere else but the job market is terrible.

You’ve been getting more moody lately, but that probably has something to do with the split and your age. They say that the ages between 4 and 5 are very challenging and you’re nearly 4, so you’re very rebellious, which is fine by me, but some days I’m so tired after work I can’t handle it.

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