Wednesday 1st of August 2001

Wednesday 1st of August 2001

It’s getting harder and harder to write. I’ve just not made the effort…

Well, what’s happened since last February? Not much has changed, really. We went to Costa Brava at the beginning of July for a week, and that was quite nice. The three of us had a great time. You were terrified of the sea and whenever R. or I went in the water you’d scream your head off! I used to be terrified of the sea when I was little. I guess I might have to do what my mum did, and just drag you in with me.

We hired a car and the first thing I did was hit it! As I’m not used to driving on the other side of the road, I lost perspective. When I pulled out from the parking space, passenger side got a big fat scratch from this old pick up that was parked in front of us. I didn’t even stop as there was no damage to the pickup (it had a hardcore metal bumper!) and then just had to pay £100 excess when I returned the Fiat Punto after 4 days travelling around Spain. We went to Figueras (to see Dali’s museum) then Andorra, via the Pirennes (which was pretty scary as the roads were terribly twisted, and we were high in the mountains). We got lost on the way back from Andorra, so we spent about 7 hours driving around without a clue. You got pretty restless at points but were quite good overall. In Andorra we bought so much cheap tobacco and drinks it was unreal. Everything else was pretty expensive there though.

You liked being on the plane so much that whenever you see one flying over you’ll say ‘Let’s go to the airport and get on that plane!’ This was R.’s first flight too and I think he was very apprehensive about it even though he tried to convince himself that he wasn’t. As he filmed the take-off you can hear him saying ‘Oh, Jesus!’ as the plane turned 10 degrees up.


R. is now in the process of finding a job and tomorrow has a second interview with a company called Munkey. Tracey doesn’t look after you anymore, Marlene does. She’s Portuguese and used to go to the same playgroup as Tracey. Whenever you had a dirty nappy you’d ask Marlene to change it for you, and she’d always read for you. You knew her quite well before the switch. You’re still only going 2x a week, but as soon as R. gets a job it’ll be full-time.

Emma is pregnant! She’s 3 months pregnant! Fernando and Emma are buying a house in Birmingham. How mad is that? We went to visit them after we came back from Spain and they weren’t getting on too well: he says she’s too needy and hormonal, she says he’s always down the pub.

Work: Uhmm, there’s a recession looming around and no pay rises this year. Not only that, our bonuses have been cut, so not only there’s no pay rise, but also a pay cut! It’s impossible to save any money at this rate. I still like it there though and will be sticking around for another while to see if things pick up. Not to mention that I’m hoping to make money from the shares. I actually bought 1000 shares at 58p and now they have gone down to 30p. Basically the money is locked there and I can’t sell them.

I have to go now, lunch is nearly over. It’s my 30th birthday soon and my plan is to give up smoking…. I don’t know if I can do it. This morning I tried not to smoke on my drive to work and started getting a headache. As soon as I had a smoke, the headache went away. I have also been doing Yoga every morning for the last 2 weeks, after I stopped at the start of the year. It’s been so warm, too warm I guess. I spent the last weekend with a bad cold, and it was the hottest weekend of the year!

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