Tuesday, 11th December 2001

Tuesday, 11th December 2001

I really do think that I’m writing this for my own sake/memories rather than yours. R. said that maybe you should never read this as there are too many negative things in here about him… I told him why doesn’t he write things from his viewpoint? He said he will, but he’s not one for writing. I just sit down and let my fingers do the talking without even having to think. R. said that if he did that we’d only come up with about a sentence. I just love writing, and I will keep doing this for as long as I can! If things seem a bit negative then maybe is because they are. Life is never perfect all the time is it?

You are coming up with some philosophical gems of your own and I must start writing them down, because I keep forgetting them. One that springs to mind is “I wish I wanted to give you my ice-cream” (or whatever it is you’re eating at the time) and “this is sproggered” when something is not working. There’s also “Who thinks what this is?” (you’ll say that when while opening presents), “hittopotamus” and “impetation”(invitation).

Your birthday is nearly here and your favourite number now is 3. You want everything in 3s, 3 biscuits, 3 bottles, 3 toys to take to the bathroom. Whenever I want you to do something for me saying: “3 year-old boys do this” – usually works a treat. I feel so naughty having to manipulate like this (and yet amused) but you just say NO to everything all the time. So all is fair in love/war/convincing a child to do something that they have to do anyway!

Here’s the party invitation, you are dressed as Bob the Builder:

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