Saturday 11th March 2000 – GOT A JOB!

Saturday 11th March 2000 – GOT A JOB!

Well, when it rains it pours around here. After my suspected rejection at RiverSoft I was determined to get the job at Groundbass. I had told the childminders that although I hadn’t got the job I was still going to need them once a week, until I got a job. That way you would know them well by the time I finally got some work. So, on Wednesday I started learning Perl seriously and planning my tactics for the interview with Groundbass, which was scheduled for Monday.

On Thursday I went to sign on as usual, and when you were taking your nap I was learning Perl. R. was asleep in the sofa. His snoring was winding me up and I nearly woke him up. You got up and were playing in the hallway when the phone rang. It was Graeme telling me that I got the job with RiverSoft. My jaw dropped, of course. Talk about unexpected news! Yesterday I got the contract in the post. They want me to start on the 27th of March and the working hours are 9:30 to 5:30. They are moving to Richmond so I can take the train from Highbury & Islington, and then a bus… It will take a good hour to get there, but who cares. The salary is £25,000 – the best starting salary of all the people I know, plus the bonus – which I will get!

Yesterday we went to Gill’s house, so you could meet Alex (the 18 month old she looks after on Fridays). We had a look at the contract. We have to pay them for 4 weeks holidays and it’s all properly done, which makes me feel a bit better. The rate is going up to £26.00 a day and you will be with them on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. About ¼ of my gross wage will go on paying for childcare! I should be getting between £1500 and £1600 per month. I’ve worked out the tax but it never turns out as I calculate it… But Amy said she is on £24000 and takes £1500 home every month. I just have to wait for my first pay cheque!

Well, so there you have it: I have my first proper job (subject to a 3-month trial period )and now I’m a Software Engineer, programming in C/C++! I couldn’t be happier! I’m not religious but I have to thank somebody for this break!

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