Wednesday 30th of June 1999

Wednesday 30th of June 1999

You started crying like mad last night and I had to stop and breastfeed you to sleep. Your first tooth is just coming through (the lower on the right hand side) and I felt its edge for the first time yesterday.

When Roger dropped me home yesterday after the test I had arranged to carry on with the lessons after he comes back from his holidays (on the 13th of July). I got home and told R. and Linda about my test and that was that. I was in a very good mood (I never expected to pass anyway) and played with you for ages. At 1 in the afternoon R. took your grandma to Euston station to catch her train. As the weather was appalling (it rained ALL day yesterday, non-stop) we didn’t go.

I started thinking about the driving test and how rude Roger is sometimes and I picked up the phone book. I was going to ring around other driving schools. I decided to start at the top, with the best driving schools and phoned BSM (British School of Motoring). Just before that I had already booked my second driving test. It will be on the 25th of August, at 13:33 (weird time!) at New Southgate test centre.

I eventually got through to BSM and spoke to a woman called Helen. She was very nice and after about 1/2 on the phone she had convinced me to book 10 lessons (it’s cheaper to book in bulk) and he had the whole lesson schedule booked. Instead of having hourly lessons, they have 2 hour lessons, which take place around the test area. Much more professional! Only the lessons cost 18.50 instead of 12.50 (which is what I was paying). I had to pay for the lessons in advance, so I’m 185.00 lighter. Thank God for credit cards. I think I will take pleasure telling Roger I don’t want to have lessons with him anymore. You are crying again. It never ends!!!!

Your father had his last pay from Ladbrokes and it was about 140.00 pounds short, so he spent half the day on the phone trying to get it sorted. He took the day off because of my test and to take your grandma to the station.

Today I cut the feet off your sleepsuits as they are getting too small for you and I don’t really see the point of buying anymore. You should have enough clothes until you’re 1 year old.

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