Sunday 4th of July 1999

Sunday 4th of July 1999

According to the interpreters of Nostradamus prophecies, the world was supposed to end today or thereabouts. We’ve been waiting, but nothing has happened! For the first time in my life I actually hoped the world wouldn’t end (I was fearless before you were born), but now I want to see you grow up and be a good man.

The weather has not been that good even though it’s summer, but Friday was a beautiful day, extremely hot. So after we went shopping, and bought you and your dad swimming trunks, we went to Highbury Pools, for your first swimming experience. You had your inflatable armbands and a red Postman Pat swimming trunk (I’ll stick the photo here when it’s been developed).

(You’re getting good at dragging your little body around, you just moved 3 metres in 4.3 seconds! Or something like that. Basically now you get where you want, before you’d want to go in one direction and end up going the opposite way!).

So, you, R. and I were in the pool for about 1/2 an hour, and you loved it! We took you out because you were making strange grunting noises that we were not sure meant you were cold. You fell asleep as soon as we put you in the pram…

You did something awful today. I was feeding you and next thing I know I felt this unbearable pain and heard myself scream really loud. Yes, you bit my nip! And I felt your little teeth (even though they are not showing yet)… My scream scared you and you started crying! So I found myself consoling you even though you nearly ripped of my nipple! Ah, the joys of motherhood…

Your father finally got himself a new motherboard (the old one wasn’t working properly), so he’s been upstairs setting it up. Whenever I tried to help I got my head bitten off, even though most of the things I suggested were right. First of all there was the hard disk, your father was adamant that it could not be moved to another position (he wanted to put another hard disk in), he said he tried everything. So I asked him to let me try, he said yes, very reluctantly, and also said that if I broke anything I would be in trouble! 10 minutes later I had moved the old hard disk to a higher position in the case and put the other hard disk below it. And everything was working fine! That just made him pissed off with himself, I guess, and he just takes it out on me, so from now on, he’s not getting any of my opinions or help since he seems to think that he knows better than me.

The funny thing is that he respects everyone else’s opinion, but not mine. I’m just a nag! I can’t see this relationship lasting much longer, as I will not be treated like that by anybody. I can’t believe I ended up with a chauvinistic pig. Anyway I can barely stand looking at your father’s face today.

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