Monday 22nd November 1999

Monday 22nd of November 1999

You are officially walking now! It’s so funny though, you walk like a chimpanzee, rocking from side to side, with your hands up in the air.

Had some problems with the car. It has no heater so I asked Andy (he is a mechanic who works at the little garage at the end of the road) to have a look and fix it for us, if it was less than £30. He had a look and said that it would cost at least £100, as the whole system had been blocked off! I really wanted to ring Robert and give him an earache, but the guarantee is just for the engine and gearbox – which are in perfect order. So we have a freezing car and we can’t even buy a cigarette lighter operated heater, as the car doesn’t have that either. I am now trying to find a battery operated heater, but they don’t seem to exist anymore… Apart from that the car is fine and I’ve been driving every day (well, every night) and getting more confident behind the wheel.

On Saturday we went to visit Jo in the afternoon, but Arsenal was playing and we were stuck in my worse traffic jam to date. It was very stressful. It took us nearly two hours to get there, but on the way back it only took 1/2 an hour!

I applied for a job a Wilco (where my friend Val works) but they are only recruiting for August 2000. That is ideal as I would get to spend even more time looking after you. I’m not really looking forward to working in an office, from 9 to 5. There must be an alternative, but why can’t I think of it? We also want to leave London in a couple of years. This is not the best place to bring up a child. Barcelona sounds good and so does Australia. We have to get out of here, it’s too depressing. The weather is depressing, the people are depressing, and the lifestyle is depressing. We need the sun to be happier!

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