Monday 18th October 1999

Monday 18th of October 1999

Your grandma Linda came over from Manchester on Thursday and has just left today. It was great, as we had a chance to go out for two nights in a row. I overdid it on Saturday night and didn’t feel too good on Sunday. I just felt exhausted all day and so did R.. Luckily both grandmas were here, Linda cooked roast lamb, roast potatoes, etc (it was gorgeous); and we just relaxed all day.

Your fascination with books puzzles everyone. You just spend ages turning the pages of books and looking at the pictures. They are your favourite toys and have been for as long as I can remember. We even got you a big ball to see if you were lacking in stimulating toys and therefore turning into books, but you weren’t interested for long. Practically every time we go out we end up buying you a book!

Your eye looks much better but it’s not healed yet. How long is it going to take? I think you caught Impetigo because you had that cold and you rubbed the snot into this little scratch you had near your right eye. The bacteria are normally present in the nose but it’s generally harmful. So, now apart from a few colds you’ve had a meningitis scare, what I think was Roseola Infantum (when you had the fever for 3 days and then a rash on your chest after the fever stopped) and Impetigo.

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