Friday 25th of September 1999

Friday 25th of September 1999

I’m being quick today, just to say that two days ago your two top teeth came out! They are just popping out, bless! But since I found that out you’ve been sleeping a lot less and badly. You don’t do the lovely 2 hours in the afternoon anymore. For the last 3 days you’ve barely slept an hour during the day and wake up lots during the night… I’m tired again, with little time to myself. Well, I got carried away and have been reading my old diaries since I last wrote here. Now I decided to translate them! A hell of a job as I wrote from the end of 84 to 89! But it’s something to do I guess.

I also bumped into my 19 year-old half-brother while looking on ICQ! He wasn’t online but I sent him a message. Hopefully he still uses it. I also e-mailed him but it got sent back as his username does not exist anymore. You’re awake again. You woke up about 5 times in 2 hours.

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