London 29/03/1990 Thursday

London 29/03/1990 Thursday

Will write in English again… I’ve fucked my knee last class (on Monday) and it’s been quite hard to do things. Yesterday I couldn’t do all the movements. After the class, on Monday and yesterday, we went to a pub (‘we’ means everybody at the class).

There’s quite a long time since I’ve received the last letter from Brazil. Nobody has written to me for a long time. Everyday I wake up and look at the letterbox… and I see nothing at all. If you don’t wanna write to me, so fuck you!

Brazil and England played football yesterday at night, but we lost. 1×0. Terrible!

Collor has done good things, in spite of everything. I’m quite impressed! Even Lula is giving support to him. But I’m afraid he’s doing this just to cause good impression, and maybe he’s not going to be strong enough to go till the end. It’s gonna be quite a hard way.

Yesterday I discussed, again, with Joe. This time I told him he’s treating me and Helena in different ways. He’s being injust, partial. He says I’m lazy and she’s good. But he asks me many things to do at the same time and he doesn’t ask her to do anything at all. She just makes what she wants (in terms). So I told it to him! And told it was not the truth. (Back to Portuguese) I’m going to end up leaving this job. Joe is so unfair. Even Helena is fed up with his behaviour.

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