London 26/09/1990 Wednesday – Trip to Ireland

London 26/09/1990 Wednesday – Trip to Ireland

We are back already, unfortunately. What a great trip. We arrived in Dublin at 23:00 on Thursday and Patrick’s relatives picked us up and took us to Ashbourne. We went straight to the pub for Patrick to drink proper Guinness and I met Patrick’s father’s four brothers. We went to one of his uncle’s house and they gave me hot whiskeys, for my cold and I passed out at 4. We also met Patrick’s grandma, a crazy old lady! She has a boyfriend, drinks like a fish and never stops talking… A joy! On Friday afternoon we got a bus to Dublin, it only took half hour. We dropped our bags in a B&B and went to Trinity College, where Patrick studied, to meet one of his friends, Paddy.

We arranged to meet all his friends later and then Patrick showed me the coast. We had dinner and took the train back to Dublin. The evening was mad. The pubs in Dublin are PACKED! It’s insane. We ended up in a pub where all his college friends meet. Everything was fine, Patrick got up every five minutes, to drink, talk to someone or have a piss… I was just sitting down talking with Paddy. He was calling people one by one and introducing me
– This is Leticia… From Brazil.
– From where? Brazil? What the hell are you doing here? – was the most common reaction, which made me laugh every time. I love the Irish accent.

It was closing time and everyone was leaving and no sign of Patrick. I went outside on my own and soon Paddy, Robbie and the rest of the gang (about 10 people) came out. Patrick vanished for forty minutes. Robbie kept saying he ran off with another woman. I just felt ice running through my veins again. We all went to Olympia once Patrick showed up again. This is where new bands play. It’s a theatre. There were seven of us by then and we sat down and drank and drank. I passed out and when I woke up the show had finished. Patrick was asleep on one side and Robbie on the other. I went to the toilet and woke Patrick up when I came back. We couldn’t get Robbie up and Patrick ended up slapping him to wake him up, this nearly resulted in them two having a fight! I loved and hated Robbie. We argued three times over nothing. But I nearly cried when the two said goodbye to each other.

We went to the B&B and I went to sleep alone in that spare bed. I didn’t Patrick him near me. He said he didn’t understand but I didn’t even want to talk to him. He moaned and groaned, and that was funny but I laughed very quietly and went to sleep.

We got the bus to Galway the next day. I would only open my mouth when strictly necessary and wouldn’t look at his face. Eventually he said that when he disappeared he was with another ex-girlfriend. He said she went after him, hugged and kissed him and that it was all her fault. Of course it was, I said, you poor innocent victim. After he told me what had actually happened I was fine… Also I was about to face his family so I had to forget about the night before.

We arrived in Galway at 18:00 and it was raining. We went to the restaurant where Patrick’s mum and his younger brother work. I liked his mum. We went to a B&B, made love – after two days! and went to his family home. I met his dad, three sisters, baby, the dog, his mum and three brothers which I had met already. Everything was fine.

We went to sleep early, I wasn’t feeling well. On Sunday we woke up, had coffee then stayed in bed until 2. And then we went to Patrick’s family’s home and from there to the christening: John Patrick, and Patrick was the godfather. Afterwards there was a party with food and drink. After Patrick, Cormac and some friends went to a pub, then dancing and then bed…

On Monday Patrick took me for a stroll on the beach and we ate with his family. His dad cooked for everyone. We then went to Dublin and caught our flight back at 9, back in London at 11…

Ireland photos

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