London 23/01/1990 Tuesday – First Job

London 23/01/1990 Tuesday – First Job

Hi! I started work yesterday. Joe, the owner, nearly killed me. He didn’t let me stop and breathe for one minute. I worked from nine to seven and earned £18.00. 10 hours non-stop. Well I stopped once for 15 minutes to eat and have a cigarette. I put prices on the stock, checked the stock, put some things in the freezer, broke some more boxes, cleaned the kitchen, put some bread on the display, eggs in boxes… And more. For the first three hours I just felt like crying and walking away, run away! I was worried I wouldn’t be able to cope… The man is a slave driver.

After that I went into zombie mode, I didn’t feel anything anymore. At 2 I told Joe I was starving and he gave me a MASSIVE sandwich and tea. After that I carried on working until I was hungry again, at 7. Apart from me there’s another Italian lady, Julia, another girl and a boy.

Today was a lot easier, Joe said he pushed me hard yesterday for me to learn as much as possible. Except Joe’s father was in today and he’s way too bossy. I really hated him at first, but later on we had a chat and he was friendly. I only worked until 4 and went to my English course.

Letitia said Juerg (Swedish boy from the other night) went to her house, and keeps calling her, erm, asking for me! Bullshit, he has my number. He’s such a drugged, drunken fool, but amazing looking! Letitia said her boyfriend finished with her because he realised what was going on that night. Funny how we became friends so quickly! Also I don’t believe for one second she didn’t get off with Juerg or that he’s after me. But, just in case he is, he’s wasting his time, he’s too ‘junkie’ for my liking.

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