London 20/01/1990 Saturday

London 20/01/1990 Saturday

hehe, you won’t believe this…

The woman who phoned me yesterday about the cleaning job is actually a cleaner looking for work, who thought I was looking for a cleaner! It was my mum’s ambiguous advert on the shop window. That’s not the worst part.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her I didn’t want a cleaner and that in fact I was looking for a job as a cleaner. I actually gave her a job and arranged for her to start work on Monday (I’ll call her later to cancel). I was so stunned by the misunderstanding, when I realised what was going on I was too embarrassed to tell the truth! What an unbelievable situation!!!

I feel disheartened, so hard to get a job! I was so angry I just left the house, rain and everything and walked around Highbury. When I got to the last shop I saw an advert for a baby sitter. I wrote the number down and came home. The woman said she was still looking and was paying £3.00 an hour and she’s coming to meet me today. I am not pinning any hopes on this, because so far everything has been a dead end.

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