London 19/04/1990 Thursday

London 19/04/1990 Thursday

Went to the shop last Friday, but Letitia’s boss is in financial difficulty and he’s even thinking about firing her. And so that means, no new job, so I’m still working for Joe, but not for much longer.

Karl came here on Monday night (it was a holiday) and then we went to his flat in Seven Sisters for him to record the show in Wembley (Mandela). We were chatting, watching some Capoeira videos… We get on so well, we don’t need anyone else. We can have a party just the two of us! Then he ruined it a bit by asking if I’d ever sleep with him, and I said maybe in ten years time. He lent me lots of comic books called ‘Crisis’ and a book written by his friend Trevor Miller – I met him once, the book is Trip City ( (novel) ) What an honour!

Yesterday I went to Capoeira and Peixinho taught half the lesson. We were flirting like mad during the class, then later at the pub. He kept reciting Vinicius de Moraes to me. He’s so cutch cutch! I think he has a girlfriend but no one tells me, and Peixinho changes the subject when I ask.

I bought a great tape by Depeche Mode: Violation.

After class me, Karl and James got in Karl’s car and had a spliff. They kept calling me Cinderella, we were laughing! James turned around and said that I had no idea how many people could fall in love with me at the same time! I was speechless…

Ah, Gino wrote to me!

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