London 17/10/1990 Wednesday

London 17/10/1990 Wednesday

Patrick called me on Monday afternoon, he wasn’t going to Capoeira but he asked me out for a drink, as he wanted an explanation of the letter I wrote to him. After Capoeira I went to the usual pub we got to after class (Cock Tavern, Highbury Station). There he was, looking very glum. I was feeling good as I had a good day at the Photography course… I don’t know, I just felt good. It was only Patrick, me and Robinson at the table. Patrick gave me a letter he wrote for me, he was going to delivery it on Sunday evening but said he didn’t make it in the end. I read the letter and it said I was going to destroy our relationship with my actions. The table was very silent. I gave him a photo of me I had printed in the photography course. Then Patrick and Robinson were about to leave, but I didn’t move from my chair. Patrick asked if I was staying there – Robinson realised it was time for him to leave us and he went home. It was only then that we started to really talk for real.

He said he didn’t understand my letter, because he didn’t know I was in his bedroom when he left. We were trying to clear the misunderstandings – how immature I had been, we talked and talked. It seems there’s a way to go before it’s over between us. He said no one ever has gotten to him the way I do… I really have faith in us now! We bought a pizza and went to his place.

Letitia and I went out after the English class and I slept home to give Patrick some space. He called me first thing today!