London 15/06/1990 Friday

London 15/06/1990 Friday

My writing is like this because I didn’t sleep last night. I’m like a zombie.
All the interesting news are about Patrick so let’s go! On Tuesday he called me arranging to meet on Weds at 5:40 at Arsenal station. Except I understood he’d call me on Weds to confirm and as he didn’t know if I he was coming for sure… Then at 6:30 on Weds he calls me, saying he had been waiting for me at Arsenal, and now he was in Seven Sisters. I explained the misunderstanding to him and asked him to come back. He wasn’t too keen but came in the end. We went to Capoeira from there, he was just watching. Some of Karl’s friends were filming the class as they are making a documentary about Capoeira. Afterwards we all went to the pub. Gustavo started saying he wants to stay for 6 months… In the end Patrick got a lift with Karl, and I nearly went with him, it was hard not to. We arranged to meet up on Saturday.

I missed English class yesterday, again, pure laziness and Patrick called at 9pm, asking me out for us to go dancing in a club he knows near Charing Cross. We met there at 11. As I was getting ready to go my mum got home and she really didn’t want me to go out but I did. I got a bit lost, got off at the wrong station to get on the Northern Line and only arrived at 11:15… He only turned up at 11:30 and off we went. He had spent all his money so I bought the drinks, I couldn’t afford too many but it was enough. We danced, talked, sat on a sofa and got asked to leave when it was all over. We went to Trafalgar Square and sat on a lion and watched the sunrise. Wish I had my camera! I wish I could be with him all the time… It’s so nice being with him. We got the bus to Seven Sisters and ate there, we were starving. We laid down at 5am and at 6 his flatmate came to get him to go to work. It took us ten minutes to build up the courage to get up and we left together. He was fed up, saying he was sick of getting up at 6 and that he nearly left his job yesterday. The way he complains is so cute it just makes me laugh.

Got home at 7, had a shower, listened to my mum lecture me and then went to work. I was so tired, I broke two plates, my face looked awful. I was going to sleep but Sandra, from Capoeira, asked me to go with her to Seven Sisters, to the squat, as she needs a place to live.

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