London 15/03/1990 Thursday

London 15/03/1990 Thursday

On Monday evening Letitia and I went to the Capoeira class. It was nice. The teacher, Robinson, is very cute and doesn’t speak a word of English. After class we all went to the pub to drink juice.

On Tuesday after class, Letitia and I went to Camden Palace to watch some of her friends play. The band’s name is Highliners and they are Psychobillies, a new movement. They dress as if they were in the 50s, but with crazier hair. The guitarist’s hairdo was inspired by unicorns. He had a big horn sticking out the front of his head! The dancing is more like punk, everyone letting their aggression out, punching and pushing. I went for it and started punching and pushing everyone… I nearly broke my nose. Everyone trying to kill each other, but if someone fell down everyone around would pick them up. Very tiring though!

Letitia got off with an Italian, but said he was very dull. I was chatting and dancing with an American and an Australian. Camden Palace is the business! We stayed there until it closed at 3:30. The Australian and American walked with us to Euston and from there we went to Trafalgar Square by bus. On the bus we were talking to some Italians. I understand everything in Italian! Then I was waiting for the bus home, on my own, for 1 hour. The bus stop was packed, and I struck up a conversation with a homeless man, he said he sleeps on buses. The bus stops far from my house so I had to walk for 15 minutes in the cold, I ended up running or I would have frozen. I think I got home at 5:00…

Got up at 10:30 and went to work. I was very achy from the Capoeira lesson and from all the crazy dancing. Work was painful. I went to Capoeira after work and Zé Indio was there. I couldn’t believe it!!! He said he phoned me, talked to my mum, and invited us to his wedding on Saturday. He found a woman who will marry him so he can stay in the country.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, I’m meeting so many people that… I don’t know. Seriously! In Camden Palace alone I met the band, ‘Highliners’, 2 Italians, 1 Australian, 1 American, 3 girls, 2 more Italians on the bus and an English homeless person… Crazy!

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