London 10/01/1990 Wednesday

London 10/01/1990 Wednesday

David has vanished since the 4th. What the hell??? What is he doing? He’s in big trouble if I ever see him again.

The English course started yesterday at the ILEA in Soho. Can you believe there’s a French girl in my class also called Leticia (well, Letitia), she speaks a bit of Portuguese (she learned it here with Brazilian friends). I’m the first Leticia she’s ever met and she was very excited about it! I’m the only Brazilian in the class, the rest French, Italians… Some french person turns around and asks me if I know how to dance Lambada… And I’ve got a Legiao Urbana tape in my walkman (my mum bought me one!)… An italian next to me asked for a Lambada tape and I said I’m into rock, lambada is just for dancing, a bit, at parties and even then, with caution, and it’s not all that.

Great to be able to listen to Legiao Urbana again, their songs left a deep mark in me. “Tempo Perdido” makes me cry, “Andrea Doria” reminds me of Henrique… They have released a new LP but I can’t find it here.

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