London 09/03/1990 Saturday – Finding Capoeira

London 09/03/1990 Saturday – Finding Capoeira

On Thursday I discovered a place that does Capoeira lessons in the area on Mondays and Wednesdays. I’m going there on Monday and I hope the class is good… “Me leva morena me leva, me leva pro seu bangalô” Wow, I LOVE capoeira!

Something out of this world happened today. I was working and suddenly a beautiful woman walks in the shop. I thought “Is it really her?” I couldn’t believe my eyes. Impossible! She then gives Joe a hug and tells him she’d been travelling and that’s why she hadn’t been around. She’s more beautiful in person. She’s so sweet and said hi to me with her soft voice: Sade!!!! (You give me the sweetest taboo). I was honoured to serve her! Sade Adu, friends with Joe, my boss. Whatever next, Roger Waters popping over for a pint of milk??

On Thursday Letitia and I went to ILEA, there were no proper lessons, as our teacher was giving a lecture and there was free wine. We drank a little and went to Trocadero to say hi to our Turkish friend (Tunc). We then went to a sweet shop and started tasting all the sweets for free, no one said anything. Then we came to my house for Letitia to see where I live and then to a pub nearby. Joe and his brother turned up at the pub and we were talking for a while. There was a party in a room in the pub and we got in, it finished at midnight, nothing much happened there. We ran all the way to the station for Letitia to catch the last tube.

Yesterday we met Tunc at Trocadero. I was late and Letitia said Tunc was a bore, shy and quiet. We went to the same pub we went to last time and as soon as we got there she was chatting to some guys. Tunc said absolutely nothing for half an hour. Then he said he was going to the toilet and never came back. I started talking with the other people and drinking. We went to a salsa club with the three guys and two girls we also met. One of the guys, an English guy, whom I was talking to a lot, wanted for just the two of us to go somewhere, and he was handsome, but I didn’t want to leave my sister! We danced until 3am. Letitia is right, a lot more happens when you wear a mini skirt! I drank three whiskeys and then a lot of water so I wouldn’t get a hangover. I stayed at Letitia’s, we got there at 3:30. What a great night, I danced A LOT!

Today I went to a party at my mum’s friends’ house and it was packed, but it was very boring. The food was amazing though, so I stuffed my face! The time now is 3:00am on Sunday.

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