London 07/03/1990 Wednesday

London 07/03/1990 Wednesday

Hi! Letitia and I went out after class last night. We went to Trocadero first, neither of us had been to the ground floor and it blew our mind! It was like being in 2001, Space Odyssey. Very aerodynamic, like being in 2050! We went up and started talking to people, we chatted to two arabs, an italian and a turkish guy. The arabs work in a cake shop and wanted to take us out, we said we’d come back later but never did. The Italian guy is gay and works in a shop that sold popcorn in different colours, he gave us banana popcorn! The turkish guy works in a juice bar. Letitia said she was famous and didn’t want to be recognised, so the guy bought her a frozen yoghurt and asked her to autograph a cheque book. We talked a bit more and he gave us free ice cream. We exchanged numbers, he offered us jobs, we said no thanks, he said please come back one day. He called me today asking if we wanted to go out on Friday.

We then got in for free in a club, it looked amazing, but it was deserted, it only gets busy later on. We went to a very busy pub, one we hadn’t been to yet. We sat down and NO ONE came to talk to us!!! At first we thought it was a gay bar, and then that it was full of English people, who are too scared to talk to strangers. We got bored and left. Letitia is the most fascinating, happy and crazy person I have ever met. I adore her!

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