London 06/06/1990 Wednesday

London 06/06/1990 Wednesday

Blimey, I was in a funny place when I was writing the above. If I lost my memory and tried to make sense of my weekend by reading it I might feel a bit lost… I must have entered a self-destructive, compulsively irresponsible phase.

After class, yesterday, Letitia and I went to the Intrepid Fox and we drank vodka with wine. At 10:30 we went to meet Rob in Leicester Square then got back to the pub and stayed until closing time. Then we went to Camden Palace. Rob was paying for everything so I carried on drinking until I could drink no more. I had seven vodkas and wine, including the ones earlier. I spent the whole show on my own. At first I was sitting down, like a wino. Didn’t want to stay with Letitia and Rob because I wasn’t in the mood for their games, didn’t fancy watching their theatre because I didn’t want to be in their play. After the show I danced until 3 when it all finished. My legs are aching!

The lights came on and I was looking for Letitia and Rob and found her chatting to a gorgeous Brazilian. We sat on the floor, the four of us, and talked until we got kicked out. Then the three of us went to eat something. Letitia put on a big show, not even Rob could be funnier than her, but I sensed he was upset because she was the center of attention. We waited for a bus for an hour, and when daylight broke they took a taxi. I waited for a bus for another 15 minutes. I got home at 4:30 and I missed work, didn’t wake up until 2:30!!!! Shit! My boss phoned and the first excuse that popped in my head was that I ate bad food and had vomited and had to see a doctor…

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