London 06/07/1990 Friday

London 06/07/1990 Friday

I don’t think we can go to Greece. Patrick spoke to his boss and he said he’d would need at least five weeks to find someone to replace him… I’m at the launderette right now, by the way.

I went to visit Letitia on Tuesday. On a whim I just went out at 9pm and took the tube to Earl’s Court. Got lucky, she was in! She had just nicked a swimming costume for me that day from the shop she works in, how sweet! I’d like her and Patrick to meet soon. I wonder if he’ll fall for her, everyone else does! Her and Rob aren’t doing so well, she split up with him on Weds (she phoned me to tell me this). He actually hit her! I don’t believe this.

On Weds I was trying on the swimming costume Letitia gave me, well, trying to, on a broken mirror (that’s the only mirror we have), and I let it slip and it landed on my right thigh. I was horrified, it was a deep cut, 5cm in length, when Patrick rang the doorbell. He had left work earlier than normal. I opened the door with a bleeding leg. The phone rang and I ran up the stairs. It was my mum, she said she’d be coming home early. We didn’t go to Capoeira and watched Brazil vs Germany in the living room, my mum went to sleep early.

We were snogging and feeling each other up and having a great time, so at midnight I woke my mum up and asked if Patrick could stay. NO! she said. So he went home…

Yesterday we went to Queen’s Head in Turnpike Lane. What a great pub! I drank wine and whisky. Patrick didn’t have money so I lent him some. We met one of his friends from college, a really nice, intelligent guy. Patrick’s brothers and friends from Seven Sisters are a bit rough, or they don’t like me, not sure, but they aren’t very friendly… Both of Patrick’s college friends were going to Paris today, so we ended up going to the pub in Seven Sisters, so he could say bye.

I was so drunk and told Patrick I thought his friends didn’t like me. He said those friends are rude and cold like that to everyone not just me and that they can be arseholes. Well, I ended up staying, he wouldn’t let me go home and I didn’t want to go. I never felt like this before! We fell asleep pretty soon after, and only woke up at 6 this morning. I never felt like this, it’s awful and amazing all at once.