London 04/06/1990 Monday – Patrick

London 04/06/1990 Monday – Patrick

I just had one of the longest weekends of my life and the best one in England! Feels like a month has passed since I left home on Saturday afternoon… I arrived at the squat and Denise, Gustavo, and the guy who opened the squat were there. Robinson was out with some capoeiristas doing a demo. We smoked from 5 to 8 (about three spliffs) and went to a pub, the pub was so good we were the only people there. It’s the nearest pub to the estate. We stayed until closing time, bought some food and then me, this guy, and Gustavo went to a party in a squat, in the same block. Denise and Robinson stayed behind arguing.

People started arriving, there were only about 9 people at that stage. I was smoking and drinking beer. Suddenly some guy out of nowhere asked me to dance with him. Some crazy reggae it was (Dub). The music he put on just blew my mind! We danced and BOOM! I was captivated!!! Tanned, blue eyes, dark hair… I felt a bit breathless every time I looked at him. He asked me to sit down with him and we talked for half an hour. He’s Irish, 24 years old, and a civil engineer. Then suddenly, very naturally, we started kissing. And then we just couldn’t stop kissing. And Gustavo was just there, awkward. We were so stoned we just laid there for a while, while he stroked my arm. Time slowed down, Gustavo went home, Denise said she’d leave the door ajar for me, for when I wanted to sleep. But I didn’t go back.

Patrick and I kissed until daylight (4:30 am), everyone else was sleeping everywhere. We carried on smoking and drinking… Then we sat on the sofa and fell asleep and woke up at 10. Then another spliff got lit. He asked me to go to Finsbury Park with him, 12 hours of rock. But I had arranged to go to the Barbican with Karl, Robinson, Denise and Gustavo, to a Capoeira performance. Patrick didn’t want to go there, and I didn’t have £20 to pay for this show. So we stayed on the balcony for a bit, I gave him my number and said goodbye. Those hours we spent together were magical!

So we went to the Barbican and stayed from 2 to 7:30. I was stoned most of the day. I did a black magic dance workshop with Pequeno: macumba! What a fun, crazy way to talk to God! I had a brilliant time at the Barbican, I felt so at home. I didn’t do the Capoeira performance because I had forgotten my abada. Any of Robinson’s or Silvia’s students could join in. Also I was so stoned I couldn’t really concentrate! From there we walked past Finsbury Park and then got back to the squat. We smoked more and I took the last tube home. I laid down, closed my eyes and then when I opened them it was today! Argh, WORK! Time went by quickly at work and when I finished I bumped into David. He made a big fuss, bought me cigarettes, ice-cream and we came to my house. He kept cuddling me, thinking we were going to pick things up again. He said he’d been in prison for six weeks for driving without a licence. He then started to try and kiss me and I said I was seeing someone else. He went red, no, he went purple!!! And said “oh, thank you very much!” – as if I had an obligation to go out with him. He stormed out, fuming and for some reason I felt bad, cruel… But I don’t like him!

I was thinking of Patrick when I said I had a boyfriend… Today I tripped a lot, to the center of my ego. I put the mirror in front of me, danced, sang, laughed at myself… Comical! I did the Capoeira lesson stoned. It was like I was someone else. I came home early and now I’m going to sleep!

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