London 04/04/1990 Wednesday

London 04/04/1990 Wednesday

News, news, in Portuguese! *translated to English*
I bought a new stereo. Was sick of listening to music on the walkman. I’m listening to Genesis. Now I’m working 5 hours on Sundays and don’t work on Tuesdays (or Thursdays, which I didn’t work on anyway). But I only managed 2.5 hours today as I have a bad cold and Joe said I could go home if I wanted… I took him up on his offer!!!

Once again, the unexpected strikes! On Monday when I got to Capoeira, only Robinson was there. We were chatting and he said Karl fancies me. Karl thinks I fancy him because I treat him well and I’m friendly (?), and we have a laugh during class. Now he likes me! Blimey. People started arriving after ½ an hour (NOTE: The Capoeira lessons were at Highbury Round House). We did the lesson and at one point I was doing a bananeira (handstand) and fell on my face, it hurt so much, so so much!).

After class me, Karl, Robinson and a Filipino girl went to Robinson’s house to have dinner. Lia, a German girl, who also does Capoeira, was there, as her and Robinson share a house, but they are only friends.

Came home and bumped into Andy on the way. He’s a guy on a wheelchair who goes to the shop a lot – we flirt a bit, I waved at him. He seems really nice. He lived in Italy. Got home and went out to buy my new stereo, and came home and enjoyed it. Then I went to English lesson and saw Letitia after not seeing her for nearly two weeks. I called her once but she wasn’t in. She spent 3 days in hospital with food poisoning and nearly died!!!! I was so mad at myself I should have been by her side… Mauricio finally went back to Brazil, Letitia bought him his ticket. After class we went to her house. When I got home my mum said Gustavo’s dad called and it looks like he’s coming. My mum just needs to ask for permission from the landlady for him to stay here. Except she’s a bit paranoid and might not let him stay here.