London 02/05/1990 Wednesday

London 02/05/1990 Wednesday

Letitia went on holiday and left her keys with me. Gustavo can stay there until they come back from Tenerife.

The sun has been shining intensely for the last week, everyone is wearing shorts, it’s 25c during the day and it stays light until 9. It’s like summer!

I’m still unemployed, and happy, just enjoying myself. I never enjoyed doing nothing so much, just going to my classes. But today I went to check out a mini-job. Four hours a week, Monday and Tuesday, 8-10am, getting £15 for distributing a magazine outside the tube, ‘Girl About Town’. Easy! I just need to get up early. On my way back I went to the delicatessen to see Helena. Joe was off sick and Pat was there. She was so nice to me, and gave me Humus, I love Humus. She said to bring Gustavo to the shop, to see if she could get him a job. Didn’t realise she liked me so much! Helena said she’d come to Capoeira to watch and then we could have some drinks after.

Last Sunday, me, Letitia and Rob (her new boyfriend) made a feijoada at Marcia’s house. We made caipirinha and I got drunk. Marcia drank too much and ended up crying. When the three of us left we found an enormous house, empty, we got in the garden and stayed there for ages. Letitia and Rob even had a quickie while I took a nap (I was very drunk). Her boyfriend is nice, he’s 19 years old, I think he’s Muslim… Today is Letitia’s birthday.

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