London 02/06/1990 Saturday

London 02/06/1990 Saturday

Never has a year gone by so quickly!

I went to the squat after work yesterday, to visit Denise. Gustavo would have been at work. I walked the 4km to Seven Sisters and on the way I walked past the place Denise and Gustavo were working. Were! They guy said they no longer worked there. When I got there only Gustavo was in, Denise had gone out as she had found a job as a cleaner and Robinson had gone out with Karl.

Gustavo said they wanted to pay £50pw each, when in fact they had arranged £100pw! They basically tried to con them. They left after a few hours and got paid £1p/h each. Evil bastards. Gustavo was skating around the flat. Then he smoked two spliffs and didn’t offer me any. Do you know why? Every single time there was a chance we’d be caught smoking he’d pass me the spliff. I told him that and he was infuriated and said I was the biggest liar ever and that I was NEVER EVER having a smoke from his spliff. Well, he sure keeps his word. I couldn’t believe his attitude, it really hit me, so I had a cry in the balcony. I felt so lonely, with no friends. He then just stood next to me saying nothing. I went to the bathroom and Denise arrived. She saw I’d been crying and gave me a knowing look. We talked and she gave me some of her spliff and I felt better. Robinson arrived and we all went to Kar’s to watch tv. I told Karl everything that had been going on while the rest watched a really boring film about fighting. He said he thinks Gustavo is incredibly immature.

Later Robinson and I went to buy some food. He said that he likes Gustavo, but he’s too childish, daddy’s boy and really really loud and shouty. We got back to Karl’s flat. Everyone left at 11:30 and me and Karl watched a really good programme called BUZZ. Karl dropped me home at 2am.