RJ 31/08/1989 Thursday

RJ 31/08/1989 Thursday

I had some weird crazy dreams last night! Faiga knew Ana Claudia… I dreamt I was at Keyla’s house or something like that in Araras and I was going to sleep. Suddenly I see a HUGE frog on the window, the panic! Someone helped me kill it, or break one of its legs with a broom. Then there were frogs everywhere and I was trying to get them out. It was disgusting!!! Keyla’s mum showed up and the frogs vanished. I went to sleep, then I woke up in my dream, turned the light on and there were two frogs on the wall next to me. I felt an intense fear. I’m going to write my dreams down when I wake up, this way I won’t forget them. When I wake up I can remember details, and that’s the best part of my dreams.

Bill, i.e. Marcelo from Martins, called me yesterday and today we went to visit Ana Claudia, except Mauro was there. They have been together for a year and are stuck together. Bill also has been seeing someone for seven months, Monica.

Marcelo, at Ana Claudia’s