RJ 30/04/1989 Sunday

RJ 30/04/1989 Sunday

I was going to the beach with my aunt and uncle, I was ready, but then I decided not to go because it wasn’t very sunny. I’m really pale, but my mum wins it with her European paleness.

As I had nothing to do I called Gustavo. Renata, his sister, knows my voice now. The first thing I asked him was if he was in a better mood and he said he was going to ask me the same (the phone was upside down). He’s really ill as he hasn’t gone to the beach for days. We talked for ages. I really need to see him, soon I’m going to forget what he looks like, I won’t recognise him. I’m really dramatic, huh? If I haven’t forgotten Gino’s face, how would I forget his?

What’s been bothering me is I can’t remember the taste of Gino’s kiss. I used to remember it all the time, imagining us kissing and keeping the memory of his taste alive. But my fantasies started being about someone else, kissing other guys and now I forgot how to kiss him, I vaguely remember.

But without a doubt, the best kiss ever was Rodrigo’s, everything fitted perfectly! Like our mouths were made for each other. Gustavo is a bit like this, I miss his mouth so much, more than anything else that follows. The kiss is what starts the physical and spiritual process known as SEX, that’s why we remember it the most, also probably because everything goes a bit crazy in the throes of passion.

Got in a taxi in the evening with Zezé and went to a family party at the Instituto de Educação. I barely know my extended family as I lived out of Rio most of my life. I only knew Chico, aunt Italia, my mum, Vicentina and Reynaldo. The party was for Vicentina’s 4 year old granddaughter. The rest only knew me from when I was little and it was the old “how have you grown!” all night. If I wasn’t realistic about my looks I’d have thought I was the most beautiful girl in the world and get a big head.

I have lots of cute cousins! We got home at 23:00