RJ 30/01/1989 Monday

RJ 30/01/1989 Monday

Went to Barra with Zezé and Gil yesterday. I don’t know why they ended the Summer Time! Feel the excuse: The Government didn’t want soldiers and children to go to work/school in the dark. They didn’t give a shit about that in October and now kids are on holiday! They could at least keep it until after Carnaval. But I think they ended it so that the samba schools would have more night time in which to parade. Now, that’s what I call a serious country! We went to Regina’s parent’s house after the beach. Gina was there (she’s not well, mentally). It makes me mad seeing her like this. One day I’ll go into details as to what happened to her. We got home at 8pm and Luciana called me at 10. I miss her!!!!