RJ 28/08/1989 Tuesday – Brasilia

RJ 28/08/1989 Tuesday – Brasilia

We arrived back from Friburgo (me, Zezé and Gil) last night. On Sunday I went to watch Dangerous Liaisons with Zezé and Maira. It’s the second time I watched it, it’s such a good film! The temperature in Rio is perfect, 20c during the day. This is the ideal temperature for me, not too hot, not too cold. Spot on.

I went to the dentist in the morning, I had to wait for 2 hours to be seen. I have 4 cavities and may have to have two root canals done. It’ll cost 375crz. And this is because Dr. Lenir is cheap, if it was somewhere else it’d be a fortune… I’ll start the treatment soon. He didn’t want to pull out my wisdom teeth!

I exercised for 2 hours in the afternoon, before that I did my usual domestic duties. Before I went away I think I was 60% fit, now I’m down to 40%. I’m not going to the academy anymore and will exercise at home, 5x a week.

Back to Brasilia:
On the Saturday I arrived, me, Luciana, Gino, Tuira, Paula, Manuela, Pedro, Luciana, Sinara, Marcos, Flavia, etc, went to Pontão to drink wine. Before getting there, at the hot dog stand, Luciana had drank whisky and she started vomiting on Sinara’s car just as we got to Pontão. I just saw people jumping out of the car. Off I went to take care of her. All because she had an argument with Marcos!

On my 2nd Saturday (29/07) we went to a Karaoke place in Nucleo Bandeirantes. Cazzo, who lives in Rio, had arrived and was very drunk. Rodrigo Bocão (Luciana and Patricia’s brother) who moved to Alfenas, was also there. There were 24 of us and we took over the place. Luciana drank so much she snogged Marcos and they made up! Flavia started going out with Andre. Cazzo overturned a table. I nearly kissed Tuira (I don’t remember why Gino didn’t come). It was full on debauchery!

On my 3rd Saturday (05/08) we all went for a spin at Gilberto, then Karaoke. It was the night when Gino arranged a flat for us and I let him down, choosing to go to the Karaoke bar. Luciana didn’t go out that night because on the Friday (my birthday) we went to Pontão and her mother came to get her because her father doesn’t want her to see Marcos (because of Giu and because he’s “poor”!). So on Saturday she didn’t want nor was she allowed to go out. On this Saturday there were 21 people out, Cazzo overturned another table in his drunken state. Even Alexandra went, she doesn’t hang around with this crowd. She went to be with me. I danced then fell asleep on a sofa.

On my 4th Saturday (12/08) Luciana didn’t go out again (argument with her mum). Marcos called me, telling me lots of people had gone to a party at Alexanias (1.5 hours away from Brasilia). So it was me, Marcos, Andre, Alexandra, Flavia and Alexandre left. I didn’t even call Gino (he complained a lot about this later) and we went to the Feira Agropecuaria (Agricultural Fair) at Granja do Torto. We had fun until 1am and then the cold got to me and I nearly fell asleep. This Alexandre is Andre’s friend and I met him on my birthday. When I met him at Libanus, Gino was still at home, and there was something between us, which soon vanished once he saw me with Gino. On this Saturday, before going to the fair we went to Aspone, we were split into two cars: me, Flavia and Alexandra in the Escort, Marcos, Andre, Alexandre on the Chevette. We raced each other all the way to the fair. Of course the women won!

My 5th and final Saturday was sad. Me and Gino didn’t contact each other… I stayed at Libanus with Patricia and Luciana for ages. Then us 3, Alexandra, Tuira, Marcos, Luciano, Lucio, Seiki, Paula, Manuela, Andrea, Landi, Sinara, Ascle and others went to ABR to dance. I jumped like a popcorn at first then remembered I was leaving and went to the toilet to cry. No one knew I was leaving. I left with Luciana, Patricia, Alexandra and Tuira at 3:00am and I kissed everyone (I normally just say goodbye) and had to work hard not to tell everyone. I gave Marcos a massive hug, he thought it was weird and got suspicious. That’s why he showed up on the Sunday, early morning. Aunt Jo forgot her reservations about him and invited him to lunch. Mrs Joacy is the queen of diplomacy!

So this was a summary of my five Saturday nights in my land!

Brasilia Photos on Flickr