RJ 28/03/1989 Wednesday – Julia is born!

RJ 28/03/1989 Wednesday – Julia is born!

Julia is born! Zezé said she’s beautiful! I can’t wait to meet her. There was a bus strike yesterday but even so I went to UERJ. What a waste of time. Because of the bus strike there was no class. I met Valeria on the way back and went to her house to see Keyla. She came back from Caxambu on Monday. I didn’t go because I had no money. She said it was great and is now in love with Homero (from Brasilia).

I went to Saens Peña early today and bought some clothes as I needed it (2 shirts, 2 leotards for exercising and shoes). The money didn’t go very far! In the old days the money my dad gave me bought lots of things, but now it buys so much less. I did my exercise class and went home.

I finally had my first class at UERJ: Latin. The class is full of characters. Unfortunately they found a Linguistics teacher, at least it was quick. Only Portuguese and TECOE to go. On the way out a Physics freshman asked me for money. They have to give money to the veterans or have their hair cut. I whispered in his ear I’m also starting, and to keep it quiet and gave him some change. Then the veterans started clapping and saying ‘ha, well, done, you got money from a veteran’, good job I don’t look like a child, even if I did they only pick on guys. The atmosphere in there is good!

I had a crazy dream last night. Someone cut off my foot, in some street commotion. I felt like I lost my leg, it hurt a lot. In my desperation I stuck my food to my ankle and spent the whole dream in terrible pain with the foot hanging off my ankle. It was so real I woke up from the dream and my foot was still attached to my ankle after being cut off. When I finally woke up I put my hand on my foot to make sure it was there. I was totally disturbed by the dream for ages.

Gustavo abandoned me…