RJ 28/02/1989 Tuesday – Vestibular

RJ 28/02/1989 Tuesday – Vestibular

This morning I went to UERJ to do the History and Spanish exams. I finished it all by 10, maybe I’ll pass. I hope so. After I finished I met Kiko and we stayed together until 11:30, waiting for Alan. He never turned up and I went to Itau bank to pay a bill then came home. I slept all afternoon because I had slept badly the night before, it’s too hot to sleep.

Went to Martins with Keyla yesterday to pick up the last of my certificates and she had to pay for the resit. Mrs. Ina is making Keyla’s life hell because she didn’t pass any of the exams to any of the universities. Awful! She’s going to go insane with all the nagging.

I got a letter from Luciana and she’s in a family crisis. I haven’t had to deal with those since my mother left…