RJ 27/09/1989 Wednesday

RJ 27/09/1989 Wednesday

The dollar shot up today: $7.30! I’m so angry… If only my mum wasn’t in such a rush, what was 3,480 yesterday would have been 4,150 new cruzados today. How it hurts. I went to the dentist in the morning and then to my grandad’s to collect my mum’s passport so I can send hers and mine to her. I was walking up Desembargador Izidro when I saw Luis Otavio! I couldn’t believe it! He was waiting for his girlfriend. We talked for a while. I went to my grandads. On the way back down he was still waiting and we talked a bit more. He’s so sweet!

Just on the news, the dollar is down to $6.8. This is crazy!

Gustavo called me on Saturday and today. I think he thinks I’m worried because we haven’t seen each other for a month… Look at the worry wrinkles! I do like him but I’m learning not to. The last time we saw each other was when I got back from Brasilia (24/08) and since then I haven’t called him at all, except once but that was to tell him not to come here because my whole family was home. I did this to see if he’d stop calling me. Thankfully he hasn’t! Deep down I want him to chase me and for him to feel how I felt when he didn’t call for 1, 2 weeks at a time. I’ve been cold too, we almost ran out of conversation. But he really does stir something in me.