RJ 27/03/1989 Monday – First day at university (UERJ)

RJ 27/03/1989 Monday – First day at university (UERJ)

I woke up full of energy and did some sit ups. I could barely do 100 a month ago and today I did 250, but my belly is still there, big and full of fat. I’m never going to stop exercising again.

I went to the academy at 14:30 and did the 3 to 4 class, I still can’t do the whole class, some exercises kill me! Zezé gave me a new bag as my old one is falling apart.

I was on my way home and bumped into Marcelo, when I was on the Silva Pinto street. I had to shout, whistle, jump for him to look back. We gossiped for fifteen minutes, he’s not doing anything, not even repeating the final year again, just bumming around. I wish I could make him study. Mind you if I was in the same state of mind as him (like I was when I left Brasilia) I’d be the same. But a bit of responsibility never hurt anyone.

I got on the 222 at 17:30, outside my building and went to my first class at UERJ. I knew which floor to go to, but I was more lost than a blind person in a shooting, looking for a classroom. I went back down to the reception to get the timetable. Look at the subjects I’m taking: Latin, Portuguese, Literature, Oral and Written composition techniques and Linguistics. I bumped into Ana Lucia, she was in Martins and we are studying the same subject. Our 1st lesson was Linguistics, we went looking for it and there was no one there! We went back to reception again and were told only two of the subjects have a teacher (Latin and Literature) the other three won’t happen until they find teachers. I knew university would be a disappointment but this was a bit too far! Until they find someone I’m only having 8 classes a week. Can you believe it? So, no Monday class until then.

Julia will be born tomorrow night and I can’t be there because I don’t want to miss class, but Zezé is going tomorrow. The operation was moved because the umbilical cord is around her neck and because Maira’s dilation isn’t great, and no contractions, she’s having a caesarean. I wish I could be there.