RJ 26/09/1989 Tuesday

RJ 26/09/1989 Tuesday

Luciana called on Sunday and said Gino asked her how I was, if she’d been talking to me regularly… I felt a strong urge to call him!

This one today was fucked up! My mum is going to buy my ticket to London in Brasilia and I was going to send her 650 dollars. It was raining heavily and off I went to the centre of town. I went to Exchange Plano where the dollar was $6.4 but they could only exchange 200 dollars maximum. I went to Banco do Brasil, the dollar was $6.3. The problem is that there was writing on one of the 100 notes and the bank wouldn’t accept it! I was fuming. They said that note will be accepted only in England. Three minutes after I completed the exchange and I as I was sending it to my mother, it went up to $6.55! If I had waited another 5 minutes there would have been an extra 100 new cruzados! I was flabbergasted. I left the bank in a very bad mood. Once upon a time I considered studying Economy but gave up, it’s a disgusting business and it will drive me insane. I think I would die of a heart attack. This ruined my day. Then I took some 3×4 photos and that was that. I shouldn’t have left home today.