RJ 26/03/1989 Sunday – Gabriel rescue & Seeing a dead body!

RJ 26/03/1989 Sunday – Gabriel rescue & Seeing a dead body!

It’s 22:30, we just arrived back. On Saturday me, Emilia, Maira, Gabi and Gil went for a day trip in Lumiar. I was watching everyone swimming in a bit of river, I didn’t have a bikini so I wasn’t swimming. Gabriel was suddenly away from everyone and Gil was calling him from a bit of land (a rock). Gabriel was walking towards him but suddenly the water got deep and he went under, drowning; I was nearest and didn’t bat an eyelid, just jumped in with my clothes on and pulled him out… After that I made the most of it and kept on swimming. I haven’t swam in a good river for ages. So clean.

We visited a few rivers until 15:00. I arrived back, tired but went out with Zezé, Maira and Emilia for a walk around town. Friburgo was busy, there was a rock show in the centre of town. The house was full today, Elmo, Elminho, Felipe and Eliza came over and we watched the F1 race. We (me, Zezé, Gil and Emilia, she’s a friend from the spiritualist centre) left at 17:30 and took the Rio-Teresopolis to avoid traffic. The road via Itaborai is faster, but the cars from the Região dos Lagos drive past that way, meaning at least 6 hours travelling. Even on the ‘faster’ other route, it took 3.5 hours instead of the usual 2 hours.

During one of the traffic jams we drove past a guy who had been run over, when we drove right next to his body, almost everyone looked away. My uncle faints at the sight of blood. Emilia and Zezé turned their heads, and me, well, I kept staring… Fucking hell, what a horrible sight. There was blood everywhere, on his face, on his head. I was gobsmacked, I’ve never seen anything like it. It makes your chest tighten and hurt seeing a real dead person. Reality is ten times worse than any horror film.

Julia will be born next week!

I ate too much chocolate and I feel nauseated. It’s been a month since I stopped drinking coke and eating sugar and I’ve drastically cut down on meat, I’ve been eating lots of fruit and vegetables, but I hate vegetables, rice and beans. I just need to stop smoking. But while in Friburgo I ate sugar, chocolate, meat… I felt a bit shit.