RJ 26/02/1989 Sunday

RJ 26/02/1989 Sunday

Me and Maira went to Saens Peña yesterday morning. We bought lots of things for Julia. She’ll be born at the beginning of April.

I revised a bit for Literature in the afternoon for today’s exam at UERJ. I went to bed early last night and the phone rang at 2am. My aunt got me up, fuming. It was Rodrigo, calling from Uberlandia. I couldn’t really speak, I was short because I had to be up early. I didn’t even let him declare his love for me. He has another girlfriend and then calls me at 2am to say he hasn’t forgotten me!?

He must have been really high. He’s so sentimental when he’s high. At least he’s still a little mad, just the way I like! Ana came here in the morning, her leg is in a cast and Mauro drove us to UERJ. Today I did Portuguese, Literature and Creative Writing. I did badly on Creative Writing, I couldn’t develop the theme fully. When I got home at 10:00 everyone was going to the beach but I didn’t want to go. Something horrible happened with my uncle (this guy isn’t my uncle!) but it’s best not to talk about it. I just stopped talking to him and will never talk to him again, but nobody knows anything. Filthy pig!

This afternoon I called Rodrigo so we could talk properly. He told me he has a plan but didn’t expand. Maybe he wants to go to England with me. That would be amazing! He said the girlfriend thing is complicated but didn’t go into details. I wonder what his plans are?