RJ 25/08/1989 Friday

RJ 25/08/1989 Friday

I went to the centre of town in the morning to exchange some dollars to send to my mum, got back and soon after Gustavo arrived with my records. I felt NOTHING when I saw him, but I flirted with him, just for fun. We had lunch. I was in good spirits, told him about the trip and Gino. We talked so much! I was sure of myself, I asked him if we were going to have sex or not! Dear me, Lelé! We laid together and off we went… I was just comparing him to Gino, taking mental notes. Gustavo was a bit sulky, asking why I never cum when I’m with him. It’s his fault, he’s too quick! Also, Gino is a lot more tender and caring, he takes his time, he’s more sensual, he just seems more experienced. Gustavo is too frantic, frenzied, there’s no magic or sensuality. It’s not horrible, It’s kind of good, otherwise I wouldn’t have sex with him. But, despite his personality failings, in terms of sex Gino is on a league of his own. I couldn’t resist the comparison, also they’ll never read this. Congratulations Gino, you won the trophy of best man in a sea of two competitors!

Then I said to Gustavo how nice it is to NOT like anyone and be with people just to pass the time and not be upset when they don’t call and be emotionally independent. It really is great! But he’s the only person I stay with to pass the time. Not Claudio, Antonio… I told Gustavo I used to be in love with him, he seemed surprised and asked why I didn’t tell him at the time… Did I have to? It must have been obvious. Now it’s too late, only sex and friendship, it works better.

I went to UERJ to get my results and see my friends, Luiz Fidelis was there. He called me when I got home, asking if I’m going to London or not. I said I’m still here and went to UERJ just to see people.

Going to Friburgo this afternoon with Maira, Zezé and the rest of the family…

Gustavo called but I was sleeping. Then he called again saying he had called so we could smoke. I’m glad I was sleeping. Smoking with him always ends badly…

Oh, I didn’t tell you, THE MOST NERVE WRACKING thing in Brasilia. On my first Sunday there me, Patricia and Luciana went to Conjunto Nacional to watch the Aerobics Championships [NOTE: fuck knows what that even is, I think it was just some promotional event]. I met Deka, Alexandra, Renata, Luciano, etc. Everyone was there. When we met Alexandra she said Rodrigo!!!!! was walking around, amidst the people, he was in Brasilia for the day! Patricia panicked, she didn’t want to see him, and I was in agony because I wanted to see him. Everyone bumped into him, in the 5000 strong crowd, except us! I guess this was better for Patricia. It drove me insane knowing he was around but I couldn’t see him. That was the last I heard of him, and the only day he was in Brasilia.