RJ 24/05/1989 Wednesday

RJ 24/05/1989 Wednesday

It was chaos at UERJ yesterday because of the assembly about strike. Our floor was utter confusion! There’s strike today so no Latin exam, thankfully! I did a Linguistics test yesterday and it was so, so, I didn’t revise. I’m studying a lot, but English. I got back my Literature exam result and I got 70%!!! Most people failed. Portuguese class was cancelled because of the assembly. Me, Luiz, Ana Lucia and Luciana went to Teatrão but only stayed for a little while. Who is Luiz? Luiz Fidelis, he’s in our class. He’s 25 years old but looks 19! He’s of Italian heritage, like me, and is very charming. I only just noticed him. He’s really smart and kind. I’m going to sit next to him from now on as I think we have lots in common.

After English Gustavo came here and we bought the bus tickets to Friburgo. He’s still not sure if he’s going or not, but we bought two tickets just in case. If my grandma [NOTE: Mrs Nina, I sometimes called her grandma, she’s my uncle’s mum] is there, we can still stay at the flat but there aren’t enough beds. Then we went to his flat in Botafogo, ate and went to Copacabana and exchanged 40 dollars for me. I couldn’t remember where the black exchange place was and we kept coming and going, he got REALLY PISSED OFF! Just because I couldn’t remember where it was? FUCK OFF! What an annoying boy. All he does is complain. Anyone can complain, you just need to open your mouth. I was fuming and went into a jewellers, with a guy I didn’t know, but he was cool, I’m exchanging with him from now on. We went to Saens Peña, drank a juice and went to Brasas, it was 17:30 already. He went to class and I went to pay an extra charge. I’ve only just joined and the blood sucking started already. People, I really don’t know if I like Gustavo or not. This is crazy! I’m joking, I do like him…