RJ 23/06/1989 Friday

RJ 23/06/1989 Friday

I went to UERJ yesterday just to watch a show. Me, Jane, Marilia and Wanderleia. The show was at the acoustic stage, instrumental music with 4 guys, I forgot their name (they are very famous abroad). It was packed! The show was amazing, 10 x nil on any show I’ve ever seen (Legião, Capital, Ultrage a Rigor, Leo Jaime, Finis, Blitz, Oswaldo…). The guitarist is out of this world, the other one smashes it on the drums, and the other explodes it on the base and the fourth mesmerises on the keyboard. I was ecstatic, my ears had an orgasm, I went to Jupiter and back, lost in the middle of the solos. But why can’t I remember their name? Just because they’re not on the mainstream media or play on the FM radio.

UERJ workers went on strike. As well as none of the other services, the lifts are off. We had to go up and down 11 floors either on the ramp or the stairs. Hardly anyone was up on the Languages floor. We only made it to Portuguese class, missing Literature to watch the show. It took us 5 minutes to go up 11 floors, walking fast. Coming down was quicker.

I even dreamt about the show!

I didn’t even go to UERJ yesterday as I’m feeling anxious, restless, perturbed. Gustavo, my father hasn’t called with an answer… Today was a difficult day to get through. Gustavo called me asking if he could come here (after disappearing for 2 weeks) and I said no, as I was going to exercise class. The nerve! I’m not that easy. But I asked him to come here tomorrow as everyone is going to Friburgo, and he played hard to get, saying he wasn’t sure. GO FUCK YOURSELF THEN! (I will get over him, I will!)