RJ 22/08/1989 Tuesday – Brasilia

RJ 22/08/1989 Tuesday – Brasilia

Raul Seixas died… Why are the most amazing people deciding to disincarnate this year? I was already sad, I cried a lot. I called Keyla yesterday. Eh, loneliness. I thought about Gustavo but didn’t call him. I think I only think about him because there’s no one else to think about, so whenever I feel desperate to call him I stop myself. I went to Copacabana to exchange some dollars and went on a mad walk. I have a really bad cold!

I bumped into Henrique in Brasilia, when I dropped Luciana off to do her UNB exams (she got in to do Forestry Engineering). We had already spoken on the phone and even arranged to meet, but it never happened. After the UNB result on the 18th I saw he didn’t pass and I didn’t call him again. I knew he had studied hard and was probably upset. He looked so handsome! Gino also did UNB exams but didn’t pass. Only Jorge, Luciana and Raissa. I also met Alessandra, Orlando, Deka, Andre. I spent most of the time at 405, at the hot dog stand, seeing the same people.

At the hotdog stand, my regular spot for the holiday:

Alexandra, Marcos, Manuela, Ana Paula & boyfriend kissing
Manuela, Luis Antonio, Luciano, Hot Dog guy, Luciana

Gino was really jealous of Marcos and as I spent more time with him than with Gino (who only came out at night) this also caused a lot of friction. I also discovered Gino’s sister, Alexandra, doesn’t like me and her and Renata (whore) kept trying to convince him to dump me all the time I was away. But he didn’t. I did a lot of shitty things and someone less patient might have ended it. But I didn’t go there just to be with Gino, I went there to see my friends! This also caused a lot of arguments.

Brasilia has become a city of cyclists and everyone is now an athlete. EVERYONE. Tuira took part in a biathlon and Patricia is seeing Ze do Camelo, a 32 year old triathlete.

All the Brasilia photos here:

I concluded that without Gustavo, Rio makes no sense, so I phoned him. He thought I was still in Brasilia, he’s coming here on Thursday to return my records. Keyla called and said Iaron died two weeks ago. He was in our class at Martins and he died on the way back from a bbq at Martins. Iaron was a hyper intelligent guy! He was sat on his own in the back seat… I didn’t expect this!

Maira said that if I really liked Gino I wouldn’t have gone to the Karaoke and would have stayed with him that night… Either way something strong bonds me to him. Perhaps my ruptured hymen!

I can’t get over Iaron’s death…