RJ 22/04/1989 Saturday

RJ 22/04/1989 Saturday

Gustavo called yesterday noon but I’m tired of talking about him all the time, so I’m changing.

Just now (21:42) I called Gino. I love chatting to him on the phone. He screamed when he realised it was me, so funny. He says he can barely walk past doors because of all the horns he has [NOTE: when you are cheated on, in Brazil, you get a horn: chifre]. I felt happy after talking to him. He invited me to stay at his place, to let him know when I’ll be in Brasilia so we can spend as much time as possible together! Then he sent me a kiss on the lips… How sweet!

Gustavo said if he didn’t go to Cabo Frio he’d call me today, but as he didn’t call…

Zezé, Gil, Maira, Gabriel and Julia went to Friburgo and my mum is at grandad’s (now I speak to him nearly every day). I called Gino because I was feeling lonely. I can’t wait to go back THERE!