RJ 22/01/1989 Sunday – Graduation party

RJ 22/01/1989 Sunday – Graduation party

It’s 16:30 and I’m exhausted. I only haven’t slept because I’m waiting for food and it’s taking a long time. I went to Martins’ party yesterday and got home at 5:30 but only managed to sleep at 7, only to wake up at 8:30 to go to the beach and I’m like a zombie right now.

Orsay and Barbosa picked me up at 10:30 last night, we went past Deo’s house and went to the party at the Municipal. As soon as I got there I bumped into Gustavo, which was the last thing I wanted. As soon as we saw each other we started to argue. How unbearable! Most of the time he’d provoke me and I’d ignore him but it was also the other way around, but really I just wanted to get together with him, but there’s no way I was going to show it. I had lots of fun the rest of the time, whenever Gustavo moved away. Me and Silvana kept going up and down the venue. It was packed full. I danced the waltz with Barbosa, Mauro and Naval. Gustavo was going to dance with me and then made a point of NOT dancing with me. Wanker!

Silvana took lots of photos, it was so much fun! Shame Keyla, Ana, Gisele, Bill, Indio, etc, didn’t go as it would have been even better. The only horrible thing were the shoes I was wearing, hurting and destroying my feet. How I suffered! I’m going to miss school! I was totally awake when I got home and when I finally drifted off the phone rang, it was Orsay, his car documents were with me. Who calls at 6:30 am? I nearly killed him. We met at the beach and I gave them back to him. When I went to sleep everyone woke up and I only managed to snooze until 8:30. Me, Zezé, Gil, Marisa and Marvio went to Barra at 10 and came back at 3. The sun was amazing. If I’m ever rich I’m living on a beach!

I’m going to eat and sleep until tomorrow!

Gustavo, Silvana, Barbosa and I at our graduation party