RJ 21/10/1989 Saturday – Last day in Rio

RJ 21/10/1989 Saturday – Last day in Rio

It’s tomorrow… I can’t believe it. I was doing nothing all day. Keyla said she was coming here but didn’t… My things filled up a big bag, a smaller bag and a rucksack. I can’t go over the weight limit. My records, books and summer clothes are staying here with Zezé. My diaries, photos and letters are coming with me. When I left Brasilia it was all much sadder and happier too. What hurts more about leaving here is Zezé and Maira, but they’ll always be with me! I wish I could vote for Lula!

Barbosa called to say goodbye. I called Gustavo asking him to come over but he didn’t. Because of things like this and other things it doesn’t hurt so much to leave. It hurts more to be away from Brasilia. I called Luciana, spoke with her, Patricia and aunt Jo. I have to send three letters just to one house. But it’s such a special house I don’t mind sending 1000s of letters! I can’t wait to write to everyone: Luciana, aunt Jo, Patricia, Zezé, Maira, Alexandra, Gino, Rodrigo, Gustavo, Ana and Keyla.

How sad I won’t watch Kanang (?) or watch the party political broadcasts or carnival. I didn’t even get to say bye to the sea. Now in these final moments I wish I was staying, I’m going to miss everything. But we get used to everything, no? Things are going to change radically and what will be will be. My godparents: Indio Tupi and Pai José will give me strength, as will those who love me and whom I love dearly!

I called Alexandra and she wasn’t home. After that I was forbidden to make any more calls, so I couldn’t call Gino!

I feel so happy, oh my god, and so madly sad… I can’t wait for the future to arrive and for me to get to know it. I can’t wait to meet people! I think about the loneliness that is ahead but my friends here will help me get through it. I can’t wait to live again, learn and explore. Right now I’m like a dormant virus, ready to enter a healthy organism and create havoc! I’m so excited!

Well, see you in MADRID! Bon voyage for nosostros!

A new chapter begins TOMORROW.

Next: My First Years in London – Oct 89 to Mar 93