RJ 21/07/1989 Friday

RJ 21/07/1989 Friday

Last night I went to Universidade São Judas Tadeu with Ana, Mauro and Claudio for Mauro to do an exam. Ana called me asking to keep her company while she waited for Mauro but when I got in the car I was surprised to see Claudio there. With the face of someone in love, which I found really irritating! What they say is true: women like to be courted, admired and seduced by the man she chooses! When someone we don’t fancy likes us it’s really ANNOYING. I just ignored all his not so subtle hints.

I spoke to my mum last night and a miracle is happening. She asked (I suggested) Zezé to do a descargo (discharge/release) as my mum thinks someone has done a job on her (i.e. put a curse on her). I think it’s Maria Carmen’s very negative energy. I don’t know why my mum still speaks with that woman. My mum’s even reading Alan Kardec! Great!

Well, see you in around a month. Not exactly sure when I’ll be back.