RJ 21/04/1989 Friday – Brasilia’s birthday, 29 years old!

RJ 21/04/1989 Friday – Brasilia’s birthday, 29 years old!

He still hasn’t called. It all seems so distant, everything that happened between us. I feel numb and lost. Gustavo, I’m not that in love that you can make a fool of me! Not even Gino could do that. Gustavo thinks I’m eating off the palm of his hand, available. But I’m turning this around, or end it for good!

I went to the gynaecologist yesterday, my sore is almost healed and to finish the healing process I have to put an ovum and not have sex for 12 days. Now I definitely don’t want to see Gustavo as that’s all he’s good for and not even that good (Gino is better). Wow, I’m really mad at him! So much poison dripping off me. Everything is going well at university.

I forgot to say on Wednesday I went to Brasas to do a test for the English Intensive Course. I did verbal and written tests with Fred, the teacher. He’s handsome! I didn’t do well and I’m on basic level, 2nd book. The classes start around the 28th on Mon/Weds/Fri from 7:30 to 9:00, but I haven’t enrolled yet. I liked it there.