RJ 20/10/1989 Friday – Goodbye Gustavo, again

RJ 20/10/1989 Friday – Goodbye Gustavo, again

The day started badly with my aunt saying I am selfish and have never been able to show her any affection. I said that if no one thinks about me I have to think about myself and if I was unable to show affection so was she. All this because I wouldn’t let her keep one of my exercise outfits! And I’m the selfish one?! And affection isn’t just about kissing and hugging, I showed it through my actions in so many ways. If she’s blind and didn’t notice that’s her problem! To emotionally blackmail me over a costume is RIDICULOUS!

A few minutes after this argument the bell rings, Zezé answered and said it was for me. I had a fright! It was Gustavo, surprising me! We went downstairs and talked for a couple of hours. He said he’s going to Saquarema tomorrow, I asked him to stay, he said NO. Go to hell then, my son! Go catch some waves and I will take care of my life. To make it worse there’s a 90% chance I might be pregnant, as my fertile day was a early and showed up the day after we had sex. Can you imagine!? He was perturbed but I told him not to worry, it’s my problem (I was the one who told him not to wear a condom, that it was safe) and I’ll take care of it. I’m going to miss him! So many people I’m leaving behind: Gino, Rodrigo, Gustavo, Keyla, Luciana, Alexandra…

My father sent the ticket yesterday (my mother was WRONG!). I knew I could trust him! But due to this delay we lost a lot of money on exchanging. On Weds we went to the city centre. My mum would have been entitled to buy $4000 in the official market at $4.50, it’s $9.40 in the black market.. So we were going to exchange $600 in the black market and then buy them in the official market, turning it into $1200 ish. What a deal from China! (Brazilian expression for a good deal). She called the bank and they told her the necessary documents needed for the exchange (passport, tickets…). So off we went, happily, to change the $600 and with another 1000crz we went to the Banco do Brasil. When we got there the man at the counter said we needed authorization from the Central Bank, so off we went to get it. When we got there the guy said the system had changed and we had to buy dollar tourism which is almost like the dollar in the parallel market! So the guy at the Banco do Brasil gave us the wrong information and we got fucked! How infuriating! We were so mad but what could we do?

My mum didn’t exchange the dollars and will try to send crz abroad, that way they get exchanged using the official rate. She will leave the money with someone for them to send it to her. Our flight is the day after tomorrow, at 18:30, to Madrid. I packed my bags today.