RJ 20/05/1989 Saturday – Grandfather

RJ 20/05/1989 Saturday – Grandfather

I finally remembered my dream, it was amazing! First I dreamt I was having sex with Gustavo, and then I was Brasilia, trying to be near Gino, but everything was going wrong. I was deeply in love with him and he was with me but we couldn’t get near each other. We kept missing each other and arguing…

Zezé and I went to visit grandad and Zaira this afternoon. There’s a huge lack of communication and incompatibility between him and my mum. Simple! They shouldn’t complain about each other to me and Zezé, they should talk to one another. They both made mistakes and didn’t bother trying to understand each other… They are both full of resentment.

After that we went to Eliana’s. Mrs Gina, Eliana’s 80 year old mother, acts like a child. She says so many funny things! I had fun. Why do old people regress so much? Is it because they can’t accept old age and search for a return to when they were young? Mrs Gina is really naughty: she hides old bread in her room, banana peel in her pocket. Priscilla (Eliana’s daughter) took her clothes to the laundrette and found rotting banana peel in her trousers pocket. Priscila was embarrassed. Mrs Gina wees on her bed. She wanted to kill Dudu (Eliana’s other child) the other day because he collected the bits of old bread around the house and threw it away. You have to force her to shower. She once ran away from home wearing her nighty and got a lift back with the police… The old woman is very crazy!