RJ 20/03/1989 Monday

RJ 20/03/1989 Monday

Maira and Gabi went to Friburgo in the morning. Gustavo finally called me at 2. I called him all the names under the sun and he said he didn’t go because he went to watch some Reggae show god knows where. Wanker. I didn’t even pretend I didn’t care (like I usually do), I really told him how I felt. He said he might come here tomorrow. As I have nothing better to do I’ll let him touch me… haha!

I think about him all day and I dream about him. Is this love or lust? I don’t want to know what it is but I really like spending time with him!

I went to the academy at 14:30 to meet Zezé, then went to Itau bank and my arsehole of a father didn’t put the money in, still! I hate him! How inconsiderate… I’m fuming. I don’t give a shit that he doesn’t call or worries about me, but I want my money in my hand. I never felt such hatred. He plays this game every month to force me to call him, it’s really stressful.

I did the class, seething, even Daisy asked if I was feeling nervous, as she was only teaching me (no one else went) we ended up chatting. She’s really nice!

Rodrigo wrote me a letter. I don’t think we’ll ever lose the intimacy and friendship we have, we are so compatible! [NOTE: I had a box with all the letters, I think I either left them in Rio or I brought them London and have lost them, I really can’t remember. I still have the original diaries, I managed to bring those with me everywhere I went]

Dina Sfat died today. I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it. She had cancer. It made me sad.