RJ 20/01/1989 Friday

RJ 20/01/1989 Friday

I called Gino in Cabo Frio last night as I concluded he wasn’t coming to Rio and I wanted to talk to him. He was there! He said that the house phone can only receive calls and the call centre in town gets really busy, it only empties out at 1:30, 2am and that he wanted to call but never managed to do it. He said he’d been ill and only made it to the beach today. I had to swallow it because one major argument with Gustavo yesterday was enough. Gino’s father had to stay in Brasilia so he has nowhere to stay in Rio. I said he could stay here but there’s no way my aunt would let him stay. He’s calling me tomorrow at 1:30, so I can let him know he can’t stay here. Time to forget him I think, 1 year and 8 months of this, but I really think we do like each other for real…

The sun was amazing today and it was a holiday so the family went to the beach. Just before we left Reinaldo called me asking to go to the beach, I arranged to meet him there. Reinaldo is a distant cousin, he’s 23 years old. We went to Vincentina’s house the other day (she’s his mum) but Reinaldo wasn’t there. Vicentina was selling him to me and must have done the same to him. On that very same day he called me later, asking me to go out but I was already going out with my friends. We talked another time on the phone but I thought he was a bit silly and he talked too much. The last time I saw him he was 12 or 13 years old! I didn’t even remember what he looked like.

Reinaldo showed up, I was sunbathing lying on my front. He said hi to Zezé, Marisa, Ju, Chico. My uncle came and got me and we met. It was a small disappointment, I expected worse. He’s not ugly or unfriendly but he’s not my type. We might go out one night, if I’m really bored. Marisa and Marvio (more cousins) are here on holiday and were there too. Marvio is 10 years old but he’ll grow up into a hot guy! The beach was beautiful and clean! We left at 4pm. I burnt myself, it had been a while since I had sunbathed properly. Beaches are the best thing in the world, you know?

Tomorrow is Martin’s graduation party, but I’m not sure I’m going to go.